[Pre-Order] TWS Spice and Wolf CP-TWS01A Wireless Earphones Kualitas Tinggi

SKU: POTJ0524-582 Categories: , , Brand: Stock:

TWS Spice and Wolf CP-TWS01A Wireless Earphones

TWS Spice and Wolf CP-TWS01A Wireless Earphones – These wireless earphones are a collaboration between ONKYO DIRECT and the popular anime series Spice and Wolf. These earphones are a great way to show your love for the Spice and Wolf anime series. The collaboration design is sure to turn heads, and the high-quality audio will let you enjoy your favorite music and anime soundtracks to the fullest.

*Please note that for questions or further information, you can contact via the media below
TWS Spice and Wolf CP-TWS01A Wireless Earphones
TWS Spice and Wolf CP-TWS01A Wireless Earphones

【予約販売】TWS 狼と香辛料 高音質ワイヤレスイヤホン CP-TWS01A
[Yoyaku hanbai] TWS ōkami to kōshinryō-kō onshitsu waiyaresuiyahon CP – TWS 01 A
[Pre-Order] TWS Spice and Wolf CP-TWS01A Wireless Earphones Kualitas Tinggi

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SKU: POTJ0524-582

Weight0,2 kg

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Tanggal Rilis: 20240930

Close Order: 30-07-2024

Deposit : Rp1.386.000 Per item

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